
Satisfaction Gurantee

Our mission is to help you find the right product at the right price, ship it to you fast and free, have it arrive in pristine condition, and help you understand how to use the product so you have the best experience possible. 

In some rare circumstances, you may receive damaged merchandise due to the shipping courier, you may want to return your product, or the product you ordered may be temporarily out of stock, otherwise known as a "back order." 

Please understand that our goal is to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your order. If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied with your order, please let our customer service reps know by email or phone, and we will do everything in our ability to ensure you are taken care of. 

If you need to contact us, please email support@massagechairpros.com call (307) 429-0021, or fill out the form below.

What does the Norton Shopping Guarantee seal mean?

Norton Shopping Guarantee is only available to merchants who have been deemed reliable after careful review. Wherever you see the Norton Shopping Guarantee seal, you can shop with confidence and your eligible purchase will be protected by the guarantees of the Norton Shopping Guarantee service offered by that Merchant.

Refer to the merchant's Web site and click on the Norton Shopping Guarantee seal or check your Certificate of Guarantee email confirmation to verify which guarantees are offered by that merchant.

What is a Shopping Guarantee?

When you complete an eligible purchase from a Norton Shopping Guarantee merchant, you receive, at no cost to you, a 30-day Norton Shopping Guarantee that may include the following benefits:

  • $10,000 Identity Theft Protection. If within 30 days of the date of your eligible purchase you believe your personal information has been compromised, you may claim your comprehensive identity theft coverage to safeguard your personal information. Some restrictions apply.
  • $1,000 Purchase Guarantee. If within 30 days of the date of your eligible purchase the merchant has failed to fulfill the express terms of the transaction, you may claim a reimbursement up to the lesser of the purchase price or $1,000 USD. Some restrictions apply.
  • $100 Lowest Price Guarantee. If within 30 days of the date of your eligible purchase you see the exact same product advertised on the same merchant Web site at a lower published retail price, you may claim your refund for the difference up to $100 USD. Some restrictions apply.

Important Information

Some benefits may not be offered to you by all stores. Refer to the merchant's Web site and click on the Norton Shopping Guarantee seal, refer to your transaction confirmation from the merchant, or check the Certificate of Guarantee email to verify benefits details and availability.

Please note that, if you choose to opt out of communications, you will not receive a Certificate of Guarantee email or any other email from Norton Shopping Guarantee now or in the future.

To receive the applicable benefits, your Norton Shopping Guarantee must be current and valid. When making a benefit claim, you and/or the merchant may be required to provide more information in order to authenticate your Guarantee. All benefit claims must be made within 30 days of the date of the eligible purchase in order to use the benefits, even if all of the terms of sale are not yet fulfilled. Once a valid claim is made, coverage applies until the claim is resolved.

There is no additional cost for these benefits. This is not a subscription service; and you will not be billed for this, and there is nothing for you to cancel. The benefits expire 30 days from the date of eligible purchase. Expiration will not affect any claims already in process.

All claim determinations are final. DigiCert reserve the right to determine all Norton Shopping Guarantee claims in its sole good faith discretion.

What is a validity period?

Your Norton Shopping Guarantee validity period begins on the date you make your eligible purchase and lasts for 30 days. For example, if you make your eligible purchase on January 1, then your validity period continues until, and ends on, January 30.

How do I activate my benefits?

Go to Norton Shopping Guarantee Buyer Service Center to create an account and register your unique Norton Shopping Guarantee number within the 30 day validity period. The number is displayed on the order confirmation page of the merchant Web site from which you made your eligible purchase. The number is also included in the Certificate of Guarantee email sent to you. After you create your account and register your valid number, you may report a problem or claim any of the Norton Shopping Guarantee benefits available from the merchant. We reserve the right to require more information from you and/or the merchant to authenticate and process your claim.

The following terms apply to the Norton Shopping Guarantee benefits:

Identity Theft Protection

What is Identity Theft?

Identity theft is the theft or compromise of personal information, such as name, credit card number, bank account number, social security number, or other method of identification that is used by someone to perform illegal activity using your identity. The most common illegal activities based on identity theft are: redirecting or opening a bank or credit card account, making unauthorized purchases, setting up services, securing loans, entering into a contract, or committing a crime.

The Identity Theft Protection guarantee provides you with benefits that you may need to protect and/or restore your identity and good name after an unauthorized event. The Identity Theft Protection benefit is not applicable for activities such as email spam, mailing address spam, or misuse of your personal information online (such as misrepresentation of your name, likeness, profile, or other information).

How to Use the Service:

At any time during the validity period of a Norton Shopping Guarantee, you can register or log in to the Norton Shopping Guarantee Buyer Service Center to utilize the Service. To use the service:

  • You must be the buyer of record of a valid Norton Shopping Guarantee issued within the immediately preceding 30 days.
  • ID Theft protection service, resources and contact information are available from the Norton Shopping Guarantee Buyer Service Center. Simply follow the instructions to access our Identity Protection Resources Center.

Identity Theft Protection Terms:

If within 30 days of your eligible purchase, you believe that your personal information has been compromised, you may submit a claim for your Identity Theft Protection benefits. Regardless of the number of eligible purchases, you may only claim Identity Theft Protection benefits once in any 30 calendar day period. The Identity Theft Protection terms and benefits vary for US residents and non-US residents.

IMPORTANT: If you suspect your identity or personal information has been compromised, you must first report it immediately to your local law enforcement agency and all potentially affected financial organizations.

  • You must provide suitable documentation showing that you have already notified your local law enforcement agency, and that the agency has officially recorded your complaint.
  • We reserve the right to request any information, document and/or official records from you, local law enforcement agencies or financial institutions to verify that your identity has been compromised and that the services requested are applicable.
  1. Norton Shopping Guarantee Identity Theft Protection Service for US residents

The Identity Theft Protection benefits provide US residents access to resources and assistance from dedicated ID theft specialists who will help you to restore your name and credit as quickly as possible. These benefits also provide US residents up to $10,000 USD financial reimbursement of approved costs attributed to the identity theft event.

How to Use the US-resident Identity Protection Service


When you register your Norton Shopping Guarantee and submit a claim under the Identity Theft Protection benefits, you may either 1) request that we provide you with the information to allow you to take action independently, or 2) sign a Limited Power of Attorney and have an ID Recovery Specialist provide identity restoration services on your behalf. If you choose an ID Recovery Specialist, one will be assigned to work directly with you.

Your ID Recovery Specialist:

  • Helps obtain a 3-in-1 credit report from the 3 national credit agencies (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion), and performs continuous credit monitoring until an "all clear" is obtained.
  • Sends fraud alert notifications to all 3 national credit reporting agencies, the Social Security Administration, Federal Trade Commission (FTC), US Postal Service, affected credit card companies, financial institutions, and other relevant organizations.
  • Manages the complex restoration process.
  • Helps prepare needed documents on your behalf, including FTC affidavits and dispute letters.
  • Represents your interests with creditors and relevant agencies.


Financial reimbursements are made with no deductible. Eligible costs attributed to identity fraud, embezzlement, theft, data breach and stolen identity event or forgery, are covered, including:

  • Attorney fees incurred for defending suits brought by merchants and their collection agencies.
  • Removing criminal or civil judgments.
  • Disputing information in a credit report.
  • Lost base wages (limited within 12 months after discovery of an identity fraud).
  • Time off from work to handle the fraud, including wrongful incarceration.
  • Loan re-application fees when identity theft causes original loan applications to be rejected.
  • Notary and certified mailing charges for completing or delivering affidavits and related documents.

Financial Reimbursement is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida, except in Minnesota, where underwritten by American Security Insurance Company, pursuant to an identity fraud blanket or group policy issued to Consumer Assist Network Association, Inc., American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida, American Security Insurance Company and Consumer Assist Network Association, Inc. are all Assurant Specialty Property companies.

  1. Norton Shopping Guarantee Identity Theft Protection Service for non-US residents

The Identity Theft Protection Service provides non-US residents access to resources and assistance from dedicated ID Theft Specialists who will help you hire experts, lawyers, investigators, consultants, and other professional services available in your country, to guide you through the identity recovery process. In order for Norton Shopping Guarantee to provide this service, professional identity restoration services must be commercially available, and comply with laws and regulations, in your country of residence. Otherwise, this benefit is not available to you.


Norton Shopping Guarantee provides access to the following resources and services to protect and restore your identity after an unauthorized event.

  • Comprehensive educative measures to reduce future events.
  • Dedicated identity protection assistance to answer your questions and concerns if you suspect your identity has been compromised or misused.
  • Personalized assistance to walk you through the various steps needed to contact the necessary government, financial, and non-financial organizations to confirm if your identity has been compromised and, if appropriate, help you limit the consequences of identity misuse.


Restoration, recovery or remediation services are handled by professionals that help you throughout the identity recovery process and provide legal, administrative and support services. This may include:

  • Investigators, case managers and other third-party business providers that help you restore your name and identity, recover your financial losses due to a stolen identity event, act on your behalf with creditors and financial institutions, and help prepare needed documents on your behalf.
  • Lawyers and other third party legal professionals, to represent you or your legal representative in case of a stolen identity, including the defense of a suit brought against you, the removal of any civil judgment wrongfully entered against you, legal assistance at an audit or hearing conducted by a governmental agency, legal assistance in challenging the accuracy of your consumer credit report, and the defense of any criminal charges brought against you arising from the actions of a third party using your personal identity.

Identity Theft Protection Service Conditions and Limitations

  • We reserve the right to request any information, document and official records from you, local law enforcement agencies or financial institutions to determine if a professional identity restoration service is commercially available in your country of residence.
  • You must provide all assistance and cooperation required in the investigation, determination and remediation services provided to you. Failure to provide assistance will result in forfeiture of your rights to use the service.
  • Service will not be provided, or will stop, if we discover that you willingly participated in, or directed dishonest, criminal, malicious or fraudulent acts in relation with your claim.
  • The total value of the service provided has a lifetime limit of $10,000 USD. We reserve the right to bill hours against the lifetime total value limit.
  • We reserve the right to refuse service requests we deem inappropriate or excessive in order to restore your identity.
  • We reserve the right to select any identity restoration service providers of our choosing.
  • The Identity Theft Protection services are limited to identity restoration and remediation services, and excludes any other services you may require resulting from a stolen identity event.
  • The Identity Theft Protection services provided by Norton Shopping Guarantee are not intended to be insurance and cannot replace any insurance you may be eligible to purchase for identity theft protection and restoration services. Any financial reimbursement provided are not intended to be indemnity payments for losses incurred by you in connection with your stolen identity.
  • Limitations on Liability: You understand and acknowledge that there are many variables impacting the service as described herein and that we provide no guarantee or representation that the service will achieve any desired result, such as identity protection, and/or identity restoration and/or recovery. There is a risk that the service will not result in resolving the identity theft problem, and by using the service, you agree to assume this risk. In no event shall we or our affiliates, employees, licensors, or agents be liable for any claims, losses, fines, penalties, or damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, punitive, special, direct, indirect, exemplary or consequential damages, or loss of use, data or profits) without regard to the form of any action, including but not limited to contract and tort actions (including libel), arising out of or in connection with the use of the service as described herein.

Purchase Guarantee

The Purchase Guarantee allows you to make a claim if the merchant has not performed according to its express terms of sale. If a resolution is not obtained from the merchant after going through the steps of the Norton Shopping Guarantee Dispute Resolution Process, then our Claims Specialists will make a determination as to whether the express terms of sale were performed. The Claims Specialist has full discretion in resolving the claim. If the claim is resolved in your (the buyer's) favor, we will reimburse you for the amount of the purchase price, not to exceed $1,000 USD.

How to Use the Service:

At any time during the validity period of a Norton Shopping Guarantee, you can register or log in to the Norton Shopping Guarantee Buyer Service Center to utilize the Service. To use the service:

  • You must be the buyer of record of a valid Norton Shopping Guarantee issued within the immediately preceding 30 days.
  • Select "Report a Problem Transaction" in the Buyer Service Center.

Purchase Guarantee Terms:

  • The express terms of sale, as stated on the merchant's Web site, are guaranteed for the full value of your eligible purchase (excluding shipping & handling and taxes) and up to a maximum of $1,000 USD.
  • You must submit a complete Report a Problem Transaction form within the 30-day validity period. All reported problems must be made in English.
  • Your acceptance of the item(s) purchased terminates the Purchase Guarantee, unless the defect was not discoverable or known at the time of acceptance, but in no circumstances will a claim be accepted after the 30-day validity period.
  • You have no rights under this Purchase Guarantee if:
    • The express terms of sale were performed by the merchant;
    • The merchant refunds to you an amount equal to or greater than the amount of the Purchase Guarantee;
    • You have not met your obligations under the terms of the transaction, including making full payment; or
    • Your purchase of the item violates any applicable governing laws and regulations.
  • The Purchase Guarantee will not cover, under any circumstances, any damages related to any of the following:
    • Damages in excess of the purchase price;
    • Shipping & handling
    • Taxes;
    • Express, implied or statutory product warranties or product guarantees of any kind, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose;
    • Special, incidental or consequential damages including punitive damages; nor
    • Diminution in value of the item.
  • Any litigation related to the administration of the Purchase Guarantee must be commenced within 1 year from the purchase date, except where the applicable period of limitation required by law is longer, then such period shall be the shortest allowable by law.

Lowest Price Guarantee

The Lowest Price Guarantee allows you to make a claim, if within the 30-day validity period, you see the exact same product advertised on the same merchant's Web site at a lower published retail price. If the claim is confirmed in your (the buyer's) favor, we will refund you the difference up to $100 USD.

How to Use the Service:

At any time during the validity period of a Norton Shopping Guarantee, you can register or log in to the Norton Shopping Guarantee Buyer Service Center to utilize the Service. To use the service:

  • You must be the buyer of record of a valid Norton Shopping Guarantee certificate or number issued within the immediately preceding 30 days.
  • Select "Guaranteed Transactions" in the Buyer Service Center.
  • To start the claim process for a particular transaction, click the "Price Claim" link for that transaction.

Lowest Price Guarantee Terms:


You will be required to provide the following information:

  • Proof of guarantee: 
  • Your Shopping Guarantee number and your email address used during the eligible transaction. The Shopping Guarantee number is provided to you on the order confirmation page from your merchant or the Certificate of Guarantee email.
  • Details about the transaction: 
  • Web site where the eligible purchase was made, date of purchase, amount paid, description of the item and SKU (if applicable). This information is typically included in the purchase confirmation email you received from the merchant.
  • Proof of lower price:
  • We recommend that you send us a screenshot and the URL of the same item you purchased, showing the new price. We cannot accept printed materials, or email text as proof of the lower price.

All claims must be made by sending an email to PriceClaim@NortonShoppingGuarantee.com. Our staff will verify your claim within 10 business days. We reserve the right to contact you and the merchant in order to get more information. All claims must be made in English.

Service Conditions and Limitations

  1. You must make a claim following the instructions above. We will review such claim for completeness and legitimacy, and, if approved, will make payment directly to you.
  2. Lowest Price Guarantee, when included with the Norton Shopping Guarantee you receive, is available only as follows:
    • To be eligible, the value of a claim must be greater than $5 USD, but may not exceed $100 USD. per transaction. The maximum amount that you can claim in any 12-month period is $200 USD.
    • The price reduction must be on the same item, with the same item SKU (if applicable), offered for sale on the same merchant's Web site, under the same merchant terms and conditions.
    • For ticket purchases, such as sporting events, shows, concerts, etc., the price reduction must be for the same date and time, same show, same venue, and same quantity of tickets. Seats must be in the same section and in the same row or better.
    • Lowest Price Guarantee does not apply to any of the following:
      • Any item to which a volume discount, a coupon, a bundling arrangement (such as two-for-one), a customer rebate, an inventory liquidation, "Closeout Sale", "going out of business", "free offer", "CyberMonday", "Deal of the Day" promotion or other similar special promotional pricing mechanism is applied.
      • Shipping, handling, taxes, surcharges, and any other similar fees.
      • Any currency fluctuation. All claims will be reviewed in US dollar only as priced on the merchant's Website.
      • Any partial, incomplete or cancelled orders, or any order for which a Purchase Guarantee claim has been submitted.
      • One-of-a kind items (including antiques, artwork, rare coins and furs).
      • Limited edition items.
      • Services and additional costs (such as installation charges, extended or supplemental warranties, or memberships).
      • Used, altered, rebuilt and refurbished items.
      • Custom-built items.
      • Land and buildings.
      • Negotiable instruments (such as promissory notes, stamps and travelers checks).
      • Items provided under a leasing arrangement.
      • Cash or cash equivalent.
      • Items that do not have a standard SKU will not be eligible for Price Guarantee.

Data Collection and Privacy

During your visit to a participating merchant's Web site, DigiCert may collect information, known as "cookies" regarding your visit. During the eligible transaction, Norton Shopping Guarantee will collect certain information, including your name, email address, and date and time of the eligible transaction in order to provide the Norton Shopping Guarantee Certificate email and unique guarantee number, unless you opt-out during the transaction process, or after receiving the Certificate of Guarantee email. We will not use your information for any purpose, other than to administer Norton Shopping Guarantee and any claims that you submit. Any information collected is subject to DigiCert's Complete Online Privacy Statement, including our policy on Cookies.

To learn more about Norton Shopping Guarantee, visit NortonShoppingGuarantee.com.

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